New Greek Royalty: Mark Machen | The Odyssey Online
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New Greek Royalty: Mark Machen

New Greek Royalty: Mark Machen

To everyone who doesn't already know Mark Machen, now is the time. Mark is the new IFC President, from Forrest City, Arkansas, and a junior member of Sigma Chi. Not only is Mark ready to start ringing in the New Year by making some big moves for Greek life, he's also ready to carry on the Greek life tradition of having top-notch IFC Presidents, and some of the best leaders on campus.

Over the past few years, we have seen some legendary Greek life gentlemen, and most of them have been on the IFC Executive Board or presidents of their houses. Eric Hurley, also known as "The Godfather," poured his heart and soul into the Phi Delta Theta chapter, ending his term as president as the new PDT house opened. Shortly after he transitioned to IFC Executive Board, and dominated the election for president. Unfortunately, some unforeseen circumstances came up, and Hurley had to call it quits. Nathan Sullivan, a former AGR President and acting vice president, stepped in and filled the big shoes that Hurley left. Sullivan left his mark on Greek life all over the nation at a special Greek life conference called AFLV held in St. Louis, as he was able to pass on vital information he had learned in his term so far to other Greek life leadership across the country - it's not a coincidence that many other schools come to Arkansas when they're having problems with their Greek life. Finally, Daniel Kleine, also known as "DK," was our IFC President this past year. Not only was DK one of the most influential leaders on campus, the former Sigma Chi President, and involved in activities across campus, he was also one of the most down-to-earth people on campus, making strides to spread IFC's name across campus and into the community.

I would like you all to take a look at this roster full of frat stars and stud leaders that are going to be a part of the 2012 IFC Executive Board and thank them in advance for the incredible work they are going to do for the Greek community over the next year:

Mark Machen, Sigma Chi –President

Michael Verser, Lambda Chi Alpha – Vice President

JD Bruning, Phi Delta Theta – Treasurer

Daniel Massanelli, Sigma Alpha Epsilon – VP Recruitment

Ben Shipley, Kappa Sigma – VP Recruitment

Brian Caviness, Phi Gamma Delta – Secretary

J.R. Baxter, Phi Gamma Delta – VP Philanthropy

Thomas Roblee, Kappa Sigma –VP Philanthropy

Tyler Soo, Lambda Chi Alpha –VP Public Relations

Pete Testa, Sigma Alpha Epsilon –VP Public Relations

Don't get me wrong, they have big shoes to fill- Phillip Kosmitis (Wall Street Potential), Derek Moore (Most Valuable Risk Manager), Steve Mathews (Scuba Steve), Shawn Merriss (Party Marshall of the Year), Garrett Johanssen (Southern Tide College Ambassador), Sam Boomer (Mr. Kansas City), and Will Steinwart (Tallest IFC Exec Member ever) "left it all on the field" in their IFC exec positions this past year. With that said, I think everyone should put a lot of trust and confidence in the fact that this new group will knock it out of the park.

Finally, I think the Panhellenic executive team last year did an incredible job, even after being given such a difficult task in accommodating more potential new members than ever before. This year isn't going to be any easier, with more and more girls coming through. Sarah Gibson has passed the presidential torch to Leah Nichols, a junior Tri Delt from Nashville, Arkansas. Leah will be tasked with looking into bringing new sororities on campus, and leading the rest of the NPC Exec, listed below:

Leah Nichols, Delta Delta Delta – President

Catherine Akridge, Alpha Delta Pi – VP of Judicial Affairs

Lauren Cook, Zeta Tau Alpha – VP of Administration

Natalie Van Pelt, Kappa Kappa Gamma –VP of Recruitment (I’m pretty excited about this one)

Susie Dagastino, Chi Omega –Director of Recruitment Counselors

Stephanie Griffith, Alpha Omicron Pi – VP of Scholarship and Educational Programming

Elizabeth Cordes, Kappa Delta –VP of Public Relations

Sarah Brady, Pi Beta Phi –VP of Philanthropy

While I don't know all the accomplishments of last year's group, I know that the ladies obtained an unparalleled amount of hype and notoriety on campus around NPC, and the new exec board will be able to build off of that. The executive boards from both groups play a vital role in leading, supporting, and serving chapter presidents and other chapter executive members. Often these members put a lot of work in behind the scenes, and their time and effort should never go unnoticed in the Greek life system.

I thoroughly enjoyed the one and a half years that I spent on the IFC Executive Board and definitely recommend the experience to anyone interested in growing their leadership skills and interacting with members across Greek life. I also thoroughly enjoyed working with Parice Bowser, our Greek Life Director; her passion for Greek life and the students in it, is unparalleled. She has spent so many sleepless nights giving back to us and I think she deserves every bit of support we can give her.

Also, in case you also haven't seen the names of the new Fraternity and Sorority Presidents, here they are. How 'bout this group!

Fraternity Presidents

Sigma Alpha Epsilon- Will Carter

Sigma Chi- Ryan Johnson

Kappa Sigma- Trevor Freemeyer

Lambda Chi Alpha- Cole Wood

Sigma Phi Epsilon- Austin Bonner

Farmhouse- Hunter Smith

Phi Gamma Delta- Andrew Newell

Sigma Nu- Alan Matthews

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