Face it, we've all had that moment of panic when walking into the gym. You know the moment when you have no idea what you're going to do while you're there. The one where you awkwardly walk towards a machine and think "I have no idea how to use that, but it looks simple, so I better use it before people stare at me."
This happens to the best of us "workout-aholics" not knowing what to do at the gym. The most challenging thing is when you're switching between different days of working out (legs, arms, chest) and you're just not feeling the soreness anymore. Once you stop feeling sore, it means your body has become used to the workout and if you want results, changing it up is the best option.
Trying new things is what makes you confident in having a wide range of workout abilities. Knowing all different workouts to help for however you're feeling is great for when you just aren't feeling the normal routine. Going with someone can help add some spice to your workout by doing some partner abs, lifting or going to a class you've never been to before. New equipment is always the scariest, but most exciting part of a workout. I've been using the Bosu ball at the gym lately and it has changed my workouts. It gives that extra push your body needs to enhance simpler workouts.
1. Burpees with a twist
This twist of adding the Busa ball gets the arms working and makes for a full body engagement in the exercise. Regular burpees are sometimes really hard on my hands and adding this element really helps to get the full workout.
2. Balance with a little help
Having this helpful balance tool for a stronger workout makes it that much better. It helps push you to your limits while helping you build yourself.
3. Feel like a Ninja
This workout helps with pushing your balance ability to the next level. It creates levels to your workout and adds a different view of the normal side shuffle workout.
Workouts have never looked more fun. When you have new and exciting ways to reach your goals, why not push yourself?