We all know that fall means school starts again, but what it also means is new TV shows. So instead of fixating on class schedules and three ring binders, and how you are going to pay for all those books that you are never going to use anyway...let's talk about TV, and the shows that you are going to be watching to avoid having to study for that horrible test. Here are just a couple of the shows that I am excited to see this upcoming fall.
It's about a woman who was found in Times Square by the FBI and her body is covered in tattoos, which serves as a road map to a large crime conspiracy. This looks like it's going to be another great crime show, and it isn't something that has been done to death. The previews alone makes the show look like it's going to be a real nail biter. The show is set to be an hour long drama and will start on September 21, and I am sure it will quickly monopolize your Monday nights.
"Crazy Ex-Girlfriend"
This show is supposed to be more comedic; it's about a young woman who gives up everything in order to find love. Her heart was set on a high school heart throb who she has long since forgotten...until one day after being inspired by a television commercial. She decides to find her high school crush again ten years later and finds him, only to find out that he is moving across the country from New York to California. So she does the only reasonable thing any single woman who hasn't seen her crush in ten years does...she quits her job and moves across the country, too. The show is set to air in October on The CW.
I am super excited for this show because it is starring Miranda Cosgrove and Patrick Warburton, so I can just feel the funny already. After many years, a happy couple is enjoying the pleasure of having the house to themselves, and all that is ruined when their two adult daughters decide to move back in...PLUS their parents, who decided to kick it with them instead of spending their golden years in Florida. The director, James Burrows, also directed "Will & Grace" and "Mike & Molly. Crowded will debut on NBC later this year.
Don't worry we will get through another semester with the help of television networks everywhere!