If you live in New England, your first word was either blizzard, Nor'easter, weather advisory or snow day. To people in the south, or even the west or central America, snow is an enchanting theory. The idea of a snow day is something students wish for in vain, like wishing for a pink unicorn for your birthday.
But for us New Englanders, snow is our worst nightmare. We hate the stuff, we dread the impending yearly Nor'easter, and getting days off school now inevitably means days tacked on at the end, cutting in to the precious few days of summer we get. So here is how New Englanders respond to everyone else's reaction to snow days, explained in gifs!
1. You're so lucky you get snow, it's so beautiful!
3. Think of all the snowmen you get to build!
4. I mean it's not even THAT much snow
5. I mean as long as you have a snowblower cleaning up isn't that hard, right?
The moral of the story is that you won't understand what a true blizzard is like until you've survived one in New England!