All Things Disney: What's New, What's Leaving, What's Returning? | The Odyssey Online
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All Things Disney: What's New, What's Leaving, & What's Returning?

Disney World is the best, but it's constantly changing! Here are some of the biggest changes the resort has seen as of late from the new, the old, and the major comebacks!

All Things Disney: What's New, What's Leaving, & What's Returning?

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Disney World is the place to be lately, Floridian or not. And it's becoming more and more popular for the young adult age groups as Disney begins to release an ever-growing line of aesthetic products. The age of Instagrammers are making Disney more of a hotspot for photography than for Mickey Mouse these days, which makes it pertinent to know what's new, leaving, and returning. No doubt everyone wants to be the first to try the new mermaid cupcake or take a picture in the completed Toy Story Land.

From attractions to food to merchandise, all my fellow Disney World fanatics out there are sure to be wondering what's making an appearance, what's retiring, and what's making a glorious comeback.


What's New?

Slinky Dog Dash is one of Disney World's newest attractions. Located in Hollywood Studios, it is the staple of the neoteric Toy Story Land. With the speed and ferocity of a roller coaster, it provides the same thrills as rides like Space Mountain and Seven Dwarf's Mine Train.

What's Leaving?

Over at Epcot, The Circle of Life pavilion came to a close just a few months ago. It featured a film that combined the popular Lion King movie and kid-geared encouragements to save the environment. Although it wasn't quite as thrilling as Disney World's newest attraction, it was a great time-killer in the A/C.

What's Returning?

A classic attraction that has graced the waters of the Magic Kingdom since its grand opening, the Liberty Square Riverboat, will be making a comeback after lengthy refurbishments in August! The slow-moving, scenic boat is a staple in Liberty Square, and excitement is already buzzing at its much-anticipated return!


What's New?

Photo by Raven Daria, @magicalifestyle on Instagram

Time to dive Under the Sea for the new mermaid cupcake! From what I've heard, it's as tasty as it looks! And it definitely makes for an aesthetic Instagram post! Thank goodness it is finally a Part of Our World! (Little Mermaid puns 100% intended)

What's Leaving?

Photo by Barb Jacobs, @jabead on Instagram

Although Disney World has a lot of seasonal treats that come and go, I thought a bigger loss was that of Captain's Grille just months ago. Although it was replaced by Ale & Compass, which possesses a similar atmosphere and menu, nothing will compare to Captain's Grille without food such as those delicious-looking Lemon-Ricotta Hotcakes.

What's Returning?

Photo by Lauren S., @lolaandstitch_ on Instagram

Cheeseburger spring rolls are back, baby! A hidden, little gem in Adventureland, many Disney World addicts are excited this unique snack is back on the carts and one step closer to their mouths!


What's new?

Photo by Raven Daria, @magicalifestyle on Instagram

Rose gold who? Although rose gold ears were all the rage almost a year ago, selling out on the shelves of every Disney World gift shop that dared to stock them, nothing quite compares to iridescent Minnie ears. Goes perfectly with the new iridescent cupcake, don't you think?

What's Leaving?

Photo by @merlinscauldron on Instagram

As Animal Kingdom's 20th Anniversary year rolls to a close in just a few months, so does the limited edition merchandise that was released specially for it. One of the biggest keepers that you have to get your hands on if you see it pop back up at the parks before the year is up is the exclusive Magic Band! It doesn't just look really awesome, but it has special sound effects when used at Animal Kingdom!

What's Returning?

Photo by @theedisneylanders on Instagram

OMG — Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party is only two months away! I bet you can guess what spooky merch is making a comeback this season then! The Headless Horseman straw clip was such a popular little detail last year that you can find it at Disney World again this Halloween! I mean, who doesn't want scary straw décor?? It's Halloween, for booing out loud!

Things are always changing at Disney World, for better or worse. But as long as you know What's New, What's Leaving, & What's Returning, there will be no disappointment in your next Disney World trip — whether it's to take pictures in those glowing iridescent ears or to satisfy your inner thrill-seeker in the new Toy Story Land!

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