Around this time of year we hear about everyone's New Year's resolutions and life altering goals they have planned for the upcoming year. Of course it's important to keep major goals in mind and set these things for ourselves but sometimes I think there's another way to go about the 'new year, new you' motto. I always like to take a step back and look at my life as a whole, where I've been in the past year and where I want to be, change is constant and it's healthy. There are little things in our lives that we are able to add or subtract from our day that will slowly change our attitudes, outlooks and even habits.
When we set tiny more obtainable goals rather than these massive New Year's resolutions some of us like to set, they add up to become these major life changes. Choosing to challenge ourselves a little bit every day changes who we are as a person over time whether we realize it or not. Now, I'm not preaching against the giant New Year's resolution to take on your biggest obstacle yet, go for it but don't forget the tiny steps that get us to where we want to be going. Setting a plan with small steps and changes, we can start to see our goals as obtainable rather than something far out off in the distance. We can see that they aren't as far as it seems and there's a path we can follow to reach our final destination.
Plot twist though, do we want a final destination or do we want a continuation of bettering our lives as well as the lives around us? I think it is necessary to have these goals and 'destinations' but after we reach that it's time to set the next goal. We are constantly growing and changing to become a better version of ourselves. Every day we are given is a day to advance, making the world around us a better place. Each one of us can have a small or even massive effect on the world by making a few changes and goals in our own lives.
So take the time to smile at the person you pass every day, compliment a stranger, buy someone's coffee, there's so many little things we can do that will change us and the lives around us. Setting small goals such as these as our New Year's resolutions, can change from being a simple small act of kindness to a routine. While looking forward to the year ahead don't forget to reflect and be thankful for the things that have come and gone in the past year. Every day is a blessing and a lesson we can learn from. Move forward with gratitude as well as excitement and a little change in your day can be a major change in your life and the lives around you. What will you be able to say you did in 2017?