You made it. You walked across that stage in 10 seconds and got handed your diploma.
Congratulations. It doesn’t seem like any big deal at all, does it? You get tons of awesome presents and money (thank goodness for those old aunts and uncles and cousins you didn’t even know you were related to, but they keep up with you on Facebook and wanted to congratulate you). It all happens so fast just like they say. High school really does fly by, and no matter how hard it is to admit when it gets time to move in to college, it's a little more than scary, and you have that little feeling in your stomach hoping you're actually just going back to high school. Think about it: You already know the halls, the classrooms, the teachers, most of the people. You’re a pro. College is scary. Having to find a new routine is scary. The fear of the unknown is scary.
Not everything in life stays constant. Things constantly change; people constantly change. This is a new chapter. You literally have a fresh start. The only thing that stays constant in this life is Jesus Christ… and we need Him when our lives are up and down. Chances are you’re probably going to a college where you have a few friends, you might know what your major is, but you’re probably pretty clueless. If you’re a girl you’re probably stressing out about packing, I know for me I am so stressed about where I am going to put all my shoes. You’re probably worried about who you’re going to sit with in that huge cafeteria, or who you are going to sit with in class.
Life is forever evolving, forever changing day by day. When you start to think about all these things you’re worried about, think about how temporary they are. Yes, they might matter for the next four years, but your whole life does not depend on what sorority you get in, who you sit with in the cafeteria, or how many parties you can go to in a week. Your life is worth so much more. Remember your purpose here is to serve and love Jesus Christ. Most things you are about to encounter are unknown. You’ve heard all about college, but you have never gotten to really experience it. But no matter how many people you know or don’t know, there is one who is always there, who never leaves. Our God is a great God, who is so much bigger than your fear or uneasiness about this new chapter.
A very wise woman once told me “You get one freshman year, no do-overs.” This is your first and last freshman year. It’s a huge step. Maybe you’re going to a totally new place; make it your home. Make as many friends as possible, and love as many people as possible. Do the best you can to be the best you can. This is your time. So, take it for what it is and enjoy.