A Guide To Surviving University Of Arkansas Recruitment | The Odyssey Online
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A Guide To Surviving University Of Arkansas Recruitment

A new breed of sorority girls.

A Guide To Surviving University Of Arkansas Recruitment

It seems like Greek life has become a bigger and bigger deal over the last couple of years. Granted, this could be because I am currently a student in college (ironic? Probably not). Has anyone seen the show "Scream Queens"? This is a totally accurate portrayal of how sororities actually are...not really, but it is hilarious. Anyways, I feel like girls in high school are now aspiring to be the “typical sorority girl.” Everywhere, I see high school girls dressing in leggings and over-sized T-shirts while carrying their monogrammed backpacks. This trend was not a trend when I was in high school.

Neither of my parents were Greek, so the only things I really knew were the people I had already known at Arkansas and which of those joined the Greek community. I really didn't know the stereotypes that are often given to different houses and I didn't know how well each one ranked. Personally, I believe this is the best way to go into sorority recruitment. With an open mind, you have no expectations and that leaves little room for devastation. That might sound dramatic, but let me tell ya… these sorority girls LIVE for recruitment. I really can't tell you what it is, but some girls were just bred to be in a sorority, and if they don't get the house they have dreamt of their whole life, then watch out.

Preparing for recruitment, well…I hate to break it to you, but there's no amount of advice I can give you that might prepare you for this week. I always say it was the best week of my life, but I would never want to do again. I had a blast, I met so many people, saw familiar faces, and I was pushed out of my comfort zone in the best way possible. However, it's stressful. At the beginning of the week, you’ll have the same conversation with 20 different girls who will ask you the basics. What’s your major? Where are you living? Have you been to a razorback game before?

The whole shebang for meaningless conversation, but as the process continues and you narrow down the houses your conversations will become more personal. You will be assigned to a “small group” with a “gamma chi” leader who will be your guide the week. You will fall in love with your gamma chi. You will hope and pray every night to the Greek gods that somehow at the end of the week she reveals that she's in the same house you get a bid from. Your gamma chi will give you a baggy of essentials, Chap Stick, gum, a fan. The fan because its “hot” when you’re walking from house to house. For you Texas girls, hot is 80 degrees in Arkansas, so in reality you might need a light sweater to make it through the day.

As the week goes on you will cut houses and houses will cut you until you narrow it down to two houses. You will go back to these two houses on the last day for “pref night”. You will be weighing your options, the houses you go to will most likely sing to you, show you a video, and even cry with you. The last situation can become a little awkward but hey, it happens. Whatever sleep you are lacking that week, the members on the other side have gotten even less of it, so you both just might need a good cry. Once you have gone to your last two houses you pref your top choice. Did I mention you are not allowed to talk all day? Nope, yeah no talking all day.

Bring a magazine, nail polish, or whatever will occupy time, because you cannot talk to anyone or use your phone until the very last sorority turns in their list of bids. For some, signing a pref card is a huge life altering decision that will determine the course for the rest of their life. Finally, you make it to bid day, and it’s almost literally Christmas. I still get chills thinking about that day, lame I know. But at the time it was a big deal and a great day. All the stress of the week has paid off and you now have a “home away from home.”


Regardless of where you are from, what your parents/ family members are, be open-minded.

The university has so many great houses that have so much to offer especially in the near future as it seemly like sorority row is getting a facelift.

Prepare conversation topics.

While I know the thought alone of talking to a bunch of girls you don't know is scary, I won't sugar coat it for you. You're going to have awkward conversations. It's almost like a rite of passage, but once you get through the first one, you can conquer anything!

Have trust in the system.

If you've gone through recruitment, you've probably heard this a thousand times. If you are going through recruitment next fall, I promise you will hear it a thousand times, too. I never really understood it going through but now that I know how the system works there could not be a more true statement to get you through the week. Not everyone gets their first pick of houses, but I promise you will end up in the place best suited for you. You’re going to meet your best friends, regardless.

Keep your social media clean.

Rule of thumb: If you don’t want your grandparents or parents to see it, then don’t post it. Even if you are not going through recruitment this is a great rule to live by because even if you aren’t thinking about it now one day you will be trying to get a job and that picture or comment you made could come back to make you look bad. Just don’t do it.

The University of Arkansas offers so many things to their students, and Greek life is just one of them. Whether you decide to rush or not, will NOT make or break your college experience. Sure it's fun, it keeps you involved, and you get lots of t-shirts, but the U of A's student body is only 15 percent Greek. That leaves 85 percent of students who are are involved in other organizations across campus. Whatever you decide, my best advice is to get involved in something! For most incoming freshmen, this will be your first time away from home. There's no better cure for a homesick college kid than keeping busy and making new friends.

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