In our lives, we constantly strive to change our unhealthy habits into new and more beneficial ones. However, one problem that is often encountered during this process is deciding on a starting point. For many of us, this occurs at the start of each new year. "New year, new me" right? An often common theme amongst these resolutions we hear is in regards to eating habits. We have become a broken record with our self talk saying "My diet starts tomorrow" or "I'll finish out this week, and next week I will start eating clean!" Frequently saying that we'll "start tomorrow," we all of a sudden come to the realization that months perhaps years have passed and there we are, still at the same place that we were and frustrated with ourselves.
Perhaps we should re-analyze our mindset. I say this in that we have to understand and remind ourselves who we are rather than becoming fixated on what we look like. What we can do for others instead of "whats in it for me?"
Common New Year's resolutions among the vast majority of the population is to exercise more, to eat healthy, to spend more time outdoors and become a better person etc. All of these are understandably great lifelong changes to start adopting, but we must make sure that we want to engage in those new activities for the right reasons. That we don't want to exercise more and eat healthier only to become skinnier, but rather wanting this change so that we can become healthier and feel better about ourselves. Feeling better about ourselves will naturally bring about positive thoughts and outlooks on life, rather than negativity which can have such a profound effect on our mental well being.
If we all worked on adapting more positive attitudes and having a more loving and optimistic view on life, we would inevitably change the world around us.
Love is like a virus, the more we love ourselves and the longer we love ourselves, the more apt those around us are to "catch" it. Positive change within ourselves will naturally manifest itself outwardly to those around us. It will create happiness and the desire to do for others. That in turn helps us feel better about ourselves and this "circle" of love becomes endless.
I challenge you as well as myself. Take some time and analyze what you're really wanting to do. Perhaps we will see that the change we so desperately desire is right in front of us.