After writing an entire article to post for this week, I logged out and then signed back in not even five minutes later to find that it was no longer on my dashboard. Of course I was upset being that I had spent a good amount of time finalizing the piece and it just disappeared; however, I took it as a sign that maybe this isn't the week to write about that topic. Sometimes we get so caught up in what we are doing that we forget to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Instead of writing about my original topic, I think now is a good time to look at starting new.
Last month I had the chance to start fresh: a new school, new people, new atmosphere, and new freedom. I could become whoever I wanted to be because not a single person here knew my past. I was able to clear my slate and leave behind any preconceived notions that people had of me. For the first time in a long time, I was able to be free of everything that troubled me back home and I could be myself. If I wanted to study for hours on end in the library then I could or if I would rather go out and party day and night then that would be fine too. I'm in charge of myself and no one is there to judge what I do or who I hang out with. It's a wonderful thing and I can't wait to watch myself grow.
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The best part of college is that no one cares what you do. Everyone is being themselves and figuring out who they want to be. This place is where you are able to finalize some of the molding of yourself. You can join clubs that interest you and ones that you never thought you would join, but hey, why not. The people that I've met in college are so different from the people I was friends with in high school. We are the most diverse group and I would have never imagined being friends with these people, but I am more than happy that I was able to leave my comfort zone and find these friends.
I could go on and on for hours about how wonderful it is being able to recreate yourself and become who you want to be. Everyone is so welcoming. As long as you're open to trying new things and new experiences then you will be able to grow so much and become the you that you want to be. I've been here for just a few short weeks and I have already been able to transform myself in this short amount of time.