Download This New App Designed To Keep Students Safe | The Odyssey Online
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Download This New App Designed To Keep Students Safe

The Companion app helps track students and keep them safe.

Download This New App Designed To Keep Students Safe

With everything going on in the world today, many people say we live in a less safe world than our parents did. Crime is on the rise, and it is especially unsafe for girls who decide to walk home alone after a night out. With the new app, Companion, this could be much less of an issue in the near future.

"Companion lets you reach out to family, friends, or your campus police and have them keep an eye on you as you travel late at night. Wherever you go, get there safely with a companion."

Once you enter your destination, you select contacts for it to be shared with. If something interrupts your journey the app send an alert to your companion. The best part of this app -- they do not have to have it installed for it to work. There is also an, "I feel nervous," feature that sends an alert to campus police about the area so it will be safer in the future.

This could dramatically decrease the amount of disappearances happening so frequently on and around college campuses. Even though it's still never a great idea to walk very far by yourself, this app can help you stay safe!

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