I wouldn't say I am a political enthusiast, but I believe it's important to have some sort of knowledge about our next potential president. Our candidates for this election are any interesting group. Personally, I am not a fan of any. This is the first election I am able to partake in, so I think it's important that I make a wise and responsible vote. Previously, I hadn't furthered my knowledge past my high school government class, but the magnitude of this election is immense. The tabloids, as well as other candidates, rip each other apart. Right now, I'm still not sold by anyone, but I know one thing: Donald Trump will not have my vote.
I don't know where to begin with "The Trump," so I think I will start with the obvious: I do not want a disrespectful, arrogant bully as the face of our country. Trump brags about his money, affairs, and how great he is. I can appreciate self-confidence, but Trump pushes this to a new extreme. How terrible of a stigma would he give to our country if we had this man as our president? He trash talks anyone who disagrees with him. He has proved this evident in every Republican debate, especially towards “little” Marco Rubio. Other countries will look at him as a joke because he is a businessman, not a president! If Donald Trump is named our next commander-in-chief, we will be the laughingstock of the entire world.
Donald Trump is making all of these worthless promises, he’s short on facts, and has no follow-through with any of his ideas. He is telling us what he thinks we want to hear. I can agree he is a motivational speaker, but he is manipulating us all. Those who support Donald Trump follow him because he is a fresh face. We are all frustrated with the way our country is being ran, and I can agree we do need change. But Donald Trump is not the change we need. He will put us in the completely wrong direction.
How are you going to make America great again? Yes, we get it, you’re going to build a billion dollar wall that Mexico will pay for. But how? Yes, you are going to bring large companies back into the United States. Still… how are you going to do this? Hey, while we’re at it, let's go attack Iraq and take all of their oil and let’s force China to lower their tariffs and start a war on trade. From there, we will lose our alliance with South Korea, Germany, and Japan. Well, good luck with that one! Wake up, Trump, you have no grip on political reality.
One of the many reasons American politics are great is because anyone can follow along and support their desired candidate. You can choose to be a Republican or Democrat; it’s your freedom. But I believe there is a fine line between having an opinion and actually holding a higher political position. You can’t expect to be able to run an entire country just because you are “successful” businessman. It doesn’t work like that. Donald Trump is trying to “make America great again” by buying our country.
This election, please be wise and do your own research. Don't just listen to what you hear or what you see on mainstream media, because it's probably wrong. Please be responsible with your vote. You may like what the candidate may say, but in reality, are they really going to follow through? Don't just think about what they can change now, rather than what our children's and grandchildren's lives will be like in the future.
P.S if you keep voting for Trump, it's going to be Trump vs. Clinton in the general election.