Hi, my name is Jade, and I'm a reader. Not just any reader, mind you, but a bonafide bookshelves-are-my-idea-of-decoration reader. I truly don't understand why people don't like to read because it's been a passion of mine since the day I learned how. In high school, I had the privilege of taking World Literature from an amazing teacher who's love of books rivals my own. I learned so much about the world and people from that class, just due to reading so many pieces. So I will probably fight you if you tell me "Reading is boring."
Numer one rule learned from Mrs. Halley's class: people never change. Ever read Gilgamesh? It's considered by most to be the earliest known work of literature, but you wouldn't know that by reading it. Parts of it are literally erotica. Fifty Shades of Grey is no new thought of human kind. apparently. And probably the greatest action-filled page-turner in the world is The Odyssey. The main character's wife is being courted by 108 suitors while she is gone. He fights men, sea monsters, and giants to return to her. It's basically the perfect combination of romance and fighting.
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What I love most about books is how different people take different things away from them. I hated The Great Gatsby because I think the characters should grow up and be adults, but other's love the story for the romance and wistfulness. You might like a quote that I rush right past, or a book could change your entire way of thinking and mean nothing to everyone else.
Another amazing thing that you find when you read is that they teach you. You may even find you have something in common with the story. In Hamlet, one of the most interesting parts to me is Hamlet's soliloquy. Did you know that it's essentially about suicide? He contemplates whether living is better than death since we don't know what's beyond. I talk about Harry Potter all the time but I really feel that series taught me so much about friendship and doing the right thing, even when it isn't easy.
Reading is probably my only real hobby. I read to escape from the world, or just to learn. To learn knowledge or just reassure myself that the way I feel is normal. And if you're looking for any of those things, I suggest you visit the nearest bookstore as well.
HMU if you need recommendations.