Our words are one of the most powerful things we as humans possess. With them, as with most things, we can use them to do good or bad. You can express your delight to someone or maybe your disgust. People say a lot of things that are offensive. I try to be tolerant of the things I hear around me but there are two words I absolutely will not tolerate being said in our culture:
"Kill yourself."
I do not care if it is a "joke." And if that is your sense of humor, then I really do suggest you do some serious soul searching as to what possibly makes you think that is something that is humorous. Telling someone to kill themselves is not a joke.
Perhaps this is something that is more commonly expressed behind a screen. Someone comments these 2 vicious words on a photo or post of something or someone that they starkly disagree with or dislike. Here is an idea: if you do not like what someone posts, ignore it, block them, or respectfully disagree. But don't you dare post those 2 words.
No matter how much someone annoys you, no matter how much you dislike them, there is never a point that those 2 words should ever be said. Never, ever, even if just being typed out should these words be expressed. Even if they have wronged you, you do not need to fight fire with a bigger fire.
Suicide is the tenth most common cause of death in America. Over 40,000 deaths each year are attributed to suicide. Please, do not push someone to contribute to this number.
"I wasn't serious, and I know they would never actually do that," is NOT an acceptable response. You can never be sure of what someone is actually going through. Being suicidal is usually not an easily identifiable thing to see in someone.
So before you type, say, tweet, or however you may be thinking about telling someone to kill themselves...don't. Because 44,000 Americans really will.
People killing themselves is, unfortunately, a very real thing. It 's not something to take lightly and it's certainly not something to casually say in passing. Your words hold more power than you may believe or realize. So think before you speak or type that nasty comment. And if you see or hear those 2 words being expressed, report it or step in. Stop the hate.
Let's cultivate a society of love and life, not hate and death.