I Never Realized How Much I Took My Dog For Granted Until I Had To Spend A Night Without Him | The Odyssey Online
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I Never Realized How Much I Took My Dog For Granted Until I Had To Spend A Night Without Him

He makes being deaf so much easier and less stressful.

I Never Realized How Much I Took My Dog For Granted Until I Had To Spend A Night Without Him
Peyton Maxey

Last Tuesday, I had to leave Buddy back with my parents when I went to KSU for one night so that I could complete two finals.

The finals were back to back and all in one day so it did not make sense to bring Buddy to Kennesaw just for that. However, Buddy helps me a lot when my cochlear implants are off. Without my cochlear implants, I am completely deaf. Buddy assures me that everything is okay and safe when I have my implants off.

My two roommates were absolutely amazing because they comforted me whenever I was missing Bud. They assured me that they would get me if there was an emergency and that I would be safe. So lucky to have them :)

When I left home, I just kissed Buddy and told him I would be back tomorrow. I honestly did not think it was that big of a deal since I would see him in less than 24 hours. So, I got to the dorm, put my stuff away, got a snack and started watching TV. As I was eating my snack, I realized that I was eating in peace....there was no one staring at me or drooling as I was eating. It was weird.

I always complain about it, but I found myself missing it.

(We have two other dogs, Rocky and Frank, at home who are also my protectors but more so the family protectors)

Next, I did my homework and studied for the final that I had the following day. I was about two hours in and noticed the time...I did not have to get up and let Bud out and take a walk. As much as an inconvenience I thought it was, I found myself missing that walk. The 15-minute walk refocused me and gave me a break...just to enjoy my surroundings and not to stress about anything, other than what Buddy was trying to eat on the sidewalk. (I swear he will eat ANYTHING, and when I try to pull him away, he decides to lay down to keep eating....that's a Labrador for ya)

Lastly, when I went to bed it took me about 2 hours to fall asleep when normally it would take me 20 minutes with my Buddy next to me to keep me company, and to keep me warm.

I guess what I am trying to say is that even though his schedule affects my life completely....I would not change it for the world. He is the easiest, sweetest, most amazing Buddy I could ask for. He makes being deaf so much easier and less stressful.

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