You want to know how I know there's no such thing as God? Because Trump won the presidential election. If the rumors about God being a fair, loving being, who only wants the best for us are true, then there's no way Trump would've been elected.
I am absolutely fucking terrified for the next four years, and here's why:
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I'm a queer woman. I identify as bisexual, which is a big no-no in the eyes of Donald Trump and his running-mate, Mike Pence. Pence has expressed his disgust for the LGBTQIA community on a number of occasions, like when he said that money for AIDS research could be better spent on conversion therapy. Do you know what conversion therapy is? That's when they round up a bunch of queer people, usually against their will, and teach them self-hatred in order to "convert" them straight. There are constant suicides in conversion therapy centers, and they are shrugged off because "it's better to be dead than to be queer." If you don't think that's seriously fucked up, then I have no words for you. Trump has also made his stance on transgender people very clear: by openly criticizing and rejecting Title IX, which protects transgenders from discrimination in schools. He has stated on a number of occasions that he plans to outlaw gay marriage again, which would affect thousands, if not millions of Americans. There have already been several hate crimes committed against gays since Tuesday, and projections indicate that they will only rise as Trump takes office.
And let's just touch on the other issue here too, which I've made bold in the previous paragraph. I'm a woman, and I'm sure everyone knows how Trump feels about women, given his comments over the last 20 years. He has openly stated that women are "too sensitive" when it comes to sexual assault. Let me repeat that for you: He has openly stated that women are "too sensitive" when it comes to sexual assault. That should terrify ANY American woman. And let's not forget his stance on abortions. He plans to advocate for the Hyde Amendment, which is a rule that would forbid any taxpayer money to be used for abortions, even those on Medicaid. He has also promised his supporters that he will introduce a federal bill banning abortions after 20 weeks. And with the House and Senate now Republican majority, it's chances of being vetoed are low. He also plans to defund Planned Parenthood, which provides medical services to women all over the country, from birth control to pelvic exams. In addition, he has pledged to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which has provided birth control with no co-pays and domestic violence counseling for over 47 million women in the U.S. I'm a college student who works a minimum wage job. I can't afford co-pays on my birth control every month.
I am so terrified of what these next four years will come to. Rolling Stone has even stated that Trump's presidency will be very bad for women. My hope is that women will stand together and fight for our rights.
A lot of people have been saying that we need to stand together and support our new President. But as long as he is in the White House, I will never respect him. I will never truly acknowledge that he is my President. You can call that immature, irrational or whatever you'd like, but he's made his opinion very clear: As a woman, I am just a piece of property. I am just another woman he can "grab by the pussy".