You may not always realize that you always need your family by your side. But I've realized that lately. I haven't been keeping up on my articles and all the other stuff I have to do, but I always have my mom reminding me of everything I need to do and accomplish. That is what I'm most thankful for. Because without her reminding me, I wouldn't be as sane as I am right now.
I don't care what anyone says, I always rely on my mom and I will always need her help in my life. If I'm on the verge of breaking down or just needing to be reminded of stuff, she is always right there to keep me on my feet. I haven't been home at all this break, because I have been running around to the next extent. But I'm still so thankful that I have her by me and always loving me.
I can't say thank you enough for everything that has happened and that no matter what my mom has my back through it all. I didn't do my best this semester and my mom was right there. Because she will never give up on me even when she probably should.
I just want to remind everyone, family is forever. Tell them how much you love them, because sometimes I don't tell my family as much as I should.
I love you most momma.
Your unappreciative daughter