Something that I've done in the past is reused an old profile picture as a current one. At the time, I didn't feel like I looked good enough to put up something new. I was this skinny geeky guy that still doesn't give a vibe that he belongs in any model magazine. I am what you call completely normal. There wasn't anything about me that was special, so why would someone want to see me on social media. I waited a year to put up a new profile picture and the reason for that was, I wanted people to see my hair growth. My curly/straight hair, the thing that still gives me trouble and the thing that makes it hard for me to care about how I look. At that time and even now, I have a problem with my hair and showing it off on social media. I am careful with what I put online nowadays, and I make sure that I'm happy with whatever I upload.
The main thing that people made fun of was my hair and how it didn't grow, so the best picture to put up would be pictures of my hair growth. Even now I don't think my hair is all that long, but when I show people how long my hair is, they are amazed. It is like I was some kind of circus act and my hair had all the talent and I was just the person that "took" care of it. All of my photos were of my hair and what style and color, it was at the time. Looking back, I kind of hate myself for it. I could have shown people that I have grown with the post that I put on Facebook, but I decided to do it through my hair. I wanted acceptance and it wasn't the good kind of acceptance, I wanted acceptance from the people that ridiculed me all throughout high school. Yes, the people that saw me as the weird kid and made sure to remind me of that every day in high school. The people I don't even talk to because they were never my friends. In my eyes, that is the worst thing I have ever done and will ever do. I made sure to be different and not to fit in and because of that I was picked on, but right after graduation I wanted them to see me again.
When you search someone on Facebook, Twitter, and any dating app, the first thing you look at is their profile picture. You will add, follow, or talk to them based on what you see, but that isn't what I am talking about. What I am talking about is something that is a little more simplistic. An old picture represents a time in your life that isn't now. Even a picture you took yesterday is an old picture if you are someone that takes a lot of pictures. Profile pictures represent who you are because that is the first thing that someone sees when they visit your page. I always have a profile picture that is current, no I don't change it every day, but I make sure that people know what I look like. I want to show people the current me because if the profile picture was uploaded a year ago then they wouldn't get to know the current Desmond. They would meet the Desmond that was online a year ago and there is nothing like new age Desmond. Show who you are because people want to meet the current you.