Intimidation. Hard-work. No sleep. Failure. Panic.
For a long time this is what I pictured the incoming year of college holding for me. Junior year for me promises a challenging science curriculum, my honors thesis proposal, preparation for the DAT and earning all the necessary credentials to apply for dental school next June.
Looking at the big picture, I felt that it would be utterly impossible to survive this year. I felt like I wasn't good enough, and that I didn't have what it takes to achieve my goals. Then I understood that maybe the big picture isn't what I should be focusing on at this particular moment in my life. I allowed myself to stop worrying about the future, instead focusing on smaller goals.
Here's a list of some of the things that helped me regain control on my life:
1. Stop worrying about things you can't control.
This is definitely easier said than done, and I admit I am a big culprit. Understand that if you can't physically do anything about a situation to change it, then it is not worth worrying about. You're only causing your body more stress and wasting valuable productive time accomplishing nothing.
2. Set goals and write them down.
This may seem dumb, and you may be saying, "Well, I can just keep my goals in my head." Yes, you definitely can keep them in your head, but speaking as someone who thought this same way for years, it is not as effective. It is easier to forget, alter or slack on goals that are in your head, and our brain has a funny way of convincing ourselves that it's OK. But if you write your goals down and place them somewhere you are constantly reminded of them, it makes them not only harder to forget but also harder to slack off on. When I finally started writing down my goals I felt like I had to reach them because writing them down made them real.
3. Keep your room and workspace clean and organized.
For those who know me, I may sound a little hypocritical because my room is a complete mess right now, but I am in the process of decluttering and reorganizing. A cluttered space makes the brain feel overwhelmed and distracted. It makes it difficult to get work done, and makes procrastination a much more attractive alternative. Keep your spaces clean, and you will find that you can think and work more clearly and efficiently.
4. Find a planner you like and stick with it.
Planners allow you to organize and plan your time effectively. It can be your best friend if you use it correctly. Take it almost everywhere you go and don't put off writing things down in it. There are so many different kinds, you just have to explore and see which one would work best for you and your daily life.
5. Exercise and eat healthy.
Exercising even 45 minutes a day can help clear the mind and lighten the mood. It has helped me become much more productive. Depending on my schedule, I like to exercise in the morning so I feel productive for the day, or right before I need to start homework. Eating the right foods also helps me feel more energized and motivated to get things done.
6. Get enough sleep.
For so long, I forced my body to run on three to four hours of sleep every day. I was stuck in a cycle of staying up super late, taking a nap in the afternoon, then doing homework late into the night again. The less sleep you give your body and brain, the less they both are going to preform well for you. Sleep helps regenerate the body, strengthen memory and rejuvenate you so you can preform your best everyday.
7. Give yourself some free time to engage in a hobby.
You have to give yourself some leisure time or you will go insane. Find something you enjoy doing. It could be anything like painting, photographing, or writing, etc. These not only relieve stress, but give your brain and body a break while also making you happy.
8. Don't beat yourself up for falling short.
You are not always going to succeed the first time around. But that doesn't mean you should be harsh on yourself and give up. Life is going to be full of challenges that we may not succeed at the very first time... or even the fifth time! But that's OK. All that really matters is that you keep striving towards your goal because while it's easy to quit, it takes strength to get up and try again.
Celebrate the little successes because they are what adds up to the big picture in the end.