Some girls just don’t understand the pain and the jealousy that other girls have. I say jealousy because we all know that time of the month where ( well stereotypically) girls get moody, mean and sad all at the same time. Well not all girls are the same when it comes to the time of the “dreaded” period. Some girls complain about getting their periods but others don’t; some hate getting them and some don’t. The reason behind why some girls just love getting their periods or are just ecstatic when it comes, is because girls with PCOS don’t have their periods regularly on their own. Sometimes they get them every other month, every two months or not even get it on their own at all. I am one these girls that get happy when she gets her period because I don’t have them regularly, in fact I don’t get them at all on my own. When I had my first two cycles they came like clockwork, same time same day for the first two months then they stopped because my hormones decided to get unbalanced and my ovaries decided to become polycystic. The first two periods I have ever gotten I dreaded but then soon missed and became jealous of other girls after not getting them for awhile. When I was first diagnosed I was in the hospital because it felt like someone was ripping my insides out, but I just had cysts growing. So in the long run I became more appreciative of the things I have because I know they will be missed if I lost them. And if you are a girl reading this article who gets regular periods on her own and dreads them please think again and be thankful that your reproductive system is what we call “normal” but healthy .
Health and WellnessOct 11, 2016
You Never Know What You Really Have Until It's Gone.
The reality of irregular periods