Throughout college, I have seen many people argue and even insult each other over their political beliefs. College campuses are generally more democratic than republican, and I've seen that at USD as well. To me, it seems like people take political views too personally, causing them to actually hate someone, in some cases. With that said, here are my reasons for why judging someone's personality based off their political beliefs is very wrong.
1. If people who don't necessarily have the popular opinion are afraid of sharing their views, then new ideas will never come into play. After all, one major purpose of democracy is for people to have the right to share their views.
2. Everyone has a different upbringing. Many times, the reason someone believes certain things is because of the way they were brought up by their parents or parent figures.
3. You don't know what someone has been through that made them believe what they do. Everyone in the world has experienced different problems and traumas. Often times, the things we have been through shape our outlook on a certain aspect of life.
4. I believe that hatred for someone of the other party purely because of political beliefs is part of the problem with our government right now. Most of the time, Congress refuses to listen to the other side of the issue, and therefore, no compromises are made. No attempts are made to come to a middle point. Instead, all you get is name-calling.
5. Hating someone for their political views is just wrong, in my eyes. Hatred never solves anything. Love always comes out as the victor, and instead of immediately disliking someone because of something they believe in, maybe we should start respecting our differences.
6. Different beliefs are what gives the world variety and can help make people unique. If everyone believed in the same thing, democracy would be pointless. Many of our founding fathers did not believe in the exact same thing, but they came to a middle ground, and actually compromised.
7. As a country, we should try to come together and unite, instead of creating a larger rift between parties than what we already have. More will get accomplished when we stop looking at party and more at the person, listening to everyone's side of the story.
If every single person on Earth started respecting each other's beliefs, then there would be a lot less hate in this world. Right now, the world is full of tensions between race, religion, gender, ethnicity, etc. Think about this: Wouldn't it be nice if everyone could just accept their differences and live in harmony? Sadly, that's unrealistic as there will always be people who can't accept differences, but as a person, I will never hate someone for being republican, democrat, or any third party supporter. I hope everyone who reads this can do the same.