Often we as humans forget to remind ourselves just how precious our family and friends are. We value their presence, enjoy their company, but forget to truly appreciate the times spent with them. Though life is beautiful, it comes with a price. No matter how much we try to convince ourselves that we are invincible to the harsh realities of life, we are not. With every triumph comes tragedy. That is why we must never take our loved ones for granted.
We must remember to always cherish the times spent with our family and friends because we never know when it will be our last. We must always tell our loved ones just how much they mean to us because that could very well be our final time. We must always enjoy the memories made because life is simply too precious.
Tragedies happen everyday yet we as humans do not think they can happen to us. Sadly, they do. That is why we must always be mindful of life for all that it truly is. It brings us great everlasting joy, but it can also bring us great sadness.
So embrace the time you have with friends and family. Show them your love and remind them how thankful you are for them each and everyday. We only have one life to live, we must make every second count.