Sometimes in the morning, I don't hear my alarm. Ben will talk, yell and cry, but I hear nothing. I constantly reschedule plans or appointments because of the invisible weight I feel on my shoulders.
This is the story of what it's like to be constantly sick.
The constant headache I have as I go throughout my day rarely lessens. My desire to put real clothes on rarely exists. My sleep patterns suffer and I have constant nose bleeds.
I am the kind of person who is never "well." Between my allergies and not having the ability to supply gluten free items in our home has created in me the perpetually sick person who is typically curled up on the couch under a blanket, shivering when it's 72 degrees.
I've had these problems since high school. And have found ways to push the symptoms aside. However, they always come back, and I have the constant feeling of grossness lingering around me.
So to all the people who feel this way, you aren't alone.