Art is a very divisive factor in our lives. It seems like people either try to immerse themselves in as many forms of art as possible, or they do whatever it takes to distance themselves from any stage or gallery. Despite art being our first mode of communication (i.e. drawing with crayons, singing at the top of our lungs or imitating dances from TV and movies when we were kids), as we grow older our opinion of art starts to change. We either find ourselves drawn to drawing or theater classes or stay away from them at all costs.
So why is there such a gap between those who practice or love art and those who are not so keen?
One answer could be that people don't necessarily hate art, they just don't understand it. Take abstract paintings or an opera - definitely not for everyone, but that doesn't make them bad.
This subreddit has a lot of input on the important distinction between misunderstanding and disliking and why it becomes acceptable when it comes to art. For instance, I don't really understand how planes fly but I still appreciate the aviation field because it makes life a lot simpler - I don't just say "Oh I hate planes because I really don't understand aviation."
We need to teach people that art doesn't always need to be understood and if you want to understand, there are forms of art that are more accessible.
I feel like we are often shown grand masterpieces of art that we are told we need to praise and enjoy, but that's not really the case. There are so many forms of art and so many ways to enjoy it that don't require you to shell out admission fees to lofty galleries or sit in the nosebleeds of a Broadway show.
Checking out local art shows or your college's theater productions can be a more wallet-friendly way to start immersing yourself into the art world. Better yet, taking an art or music class or auditioning for a show or band can help you find something about art that you relate to.
Just like with STEM fields or language learning, immersion is the best way to learn and experience art, and it's a better way to enjoy it.
Besides, not all art is abstract and strange-there are genres and types out there for everyone. If you don't like abstract paintings or musical theater, seek out something you will like such as live concerts, portrait art or street performance art. Use the things you enjoy to immerse yourself into the art world. Instead of hating something you don't understand (something that we generally frown upon when applied to other things like sexuality, genders or religions) you should seek something within the subject that you enjoy.
Art isn't something to be feared or hated, it's a basic expression of who we are as humans.
Art is how we express ourselves and how we understand the world around us. Through study and immersion, we may be able to find ourselves, even in something we once claimed to hate.