This is a gender term that not many people are familiar with but it is what is am, or rather I am a specific version of this called neutrois or agender. This means that I don't identify with any of the genders other people do and I'm just me. I exhibit characteristics of both the male and female genders. Yes, there are only two physical genders but gender is more than physical. Gender is at the core of every person on earth.
My gender story starts when i was born. I was, of course, born with male genitalia. But I always felt more comfortable in dresses and more effeminate colors. Up till I was 14 I was getting more and more sure I was born the wrong gender. When I was 14 I came out to a select few as a transgender. But after that I started to realize I wasn't really a woman either. I started doing research into what it was called when someone felt like either both or neither gender. I came across an article about this person who said they were neutrois and that word intrigued me so I read it and realized that it described me perfectly. Neutrois, or agender, means that a person is a culmination of both genders and neither one is prevalent or dominant.
This article is me coming out to the public. I have never told anyone about this except one person. I want to be as honest with everyone as I can and not telling the whole truth is lying by omission. I am openly neutrois/agender and not afraid to admit it anymore. When I first realized what I was I was really scared of what people would say about me being the son of a pastor and a christian and saying this "nonsense" about this "made up" new gender. So I hid it till I met my other half aka my wife. I told her about it and she was totally accepting of me and very supportive. My wife is in fact a transgender. She is a man in a woman's body. Yes, I know what the bible says about there only being two genders but I believe that when God said that in the bible He was only talking about physical genders.
I honestly could care less if you guys accept me as I am or even read this article. I can at least say I am no longer hiding this from anyone. I am Jordan Edward Strable and I am neutrois/agender. I am happy with who I am and what you say doesn't affect that as much as i bet you think it does. I am sorry and I am praying for you. God bless you. See you next week.