As a college freshman, I should be more focused on enjoying the "fun" aspects of freshman year but instead, I'm spending it networking in Annapolis; not regretting it one bit.
During my spring break, I showed my friends from Georgia and Delaware my beloved state capital of Annapolis. We attended the House of Delegates session on one of the busiest days of the year. Not only was the budget for 2018 read but delegates were also preparing for cross over week. (Cross over week is where the House of Delegates send all of their passed bills over to the Senate where they go through the three readings and the Senate bills go to the House to go through the same process and then they will be sent to Governor Hogan's office).
Being able to sit in the gallery and watch it all unfold again was such a memorable moment for me. Since my days as a page in the Maryland General Assembly, all I've wanted was to sit in the House of Delegates to watch every reading and every amendment be debated. During my senior year of high school, I had the most wonderful opportunity to serve as a page in the House of Delegates. Missing a week of school was most definitely worth the incredible opportunity. Rushing papers to delegates, sending messages, and even helping play jokes on the delegates was such a memorable experience that I wanted to live it every day for the rest of my life.
Now that I'm in college, officially declared as an English major with minors in Creative Writing and Political Science, I've realized exactly what I need to do to achieve my dream job. Take the time to make my name known, not to be afraid to introduce myself to Delegates or Senators in my state. I want them to know that any learning opportunity they have to offer would be incredibly beneficial towards my dream career.
Don't ever be afraid to work towards your career. Sometimes, it's worth staying in on the weekends doing research on politicians or issues within the state. You learn what offices are looking for, you see what kind of work they do. In the long run, you're benefiting yourself, learning your strengths and weaknesses in your possible career and maybe even learning whether or not it's the right career for you. Never be afraid to change your mind. I think that's one of the greatest things someone can do. Realizing that they want to pursue something that makes them happier is one of the greatest accomplishments someone can achieve.
As far as networking goes, there's nothing wrong with talking to people. Learn what your future employers are looking for, strengthen your weaknesses, figure out exactly what it is that you want to pursue. It's never too early to learn what you want out of life. Go out and get it.