We're all exceedingly familiar with Netflix, most of us use it for binge watching shows like Shameless and Gilmore Girls. What often gets overlooked are the documentaries that are actually informative and don't slowly kill braincells.
Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead
This is a story of a man's journey to health through adapting a vegan lifestyle. He takes a road trip across America, informing people he meets along the way of his new diet that begins with several months of juicing and explains to them the horrors of the typical American diet. If this story doesn't make you change your diet even a little, almost nothing will.
This may be an older one, but it's one of the most informative documentaries on Netflix. Sea World trainers tell their stories of the mistreatment they see of orcas who are held in captivity. This is the film that ultimately set in motion the protest against Sea World.
Living on One Dollar
Four middle-class, American college students travel to a village in Guatemala and learn to live like the natives. For them, that means living on about one dollar a day. That spending budget includes everything: food, water, shelter, meds, travel, etc. They build strong connections with their neighbors and learn to live a poverty driven lifestyle for a change in perspective.
A study of human happiness. This documentary takes you through the entire effect of happiness on life. Essentially it changes your entire perspective on human happiness and explains the differences between how our born happiness and our situational happiness effect us overall.