Netflix Shows For The College Student | The Odyssey Online
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Netflix Shows For The College Student

Seven shows to cure your boredom.

Netflix Shows For The College Student

As a college student Netflix is my go-to place if I need a little down time to just relax. So I want to share some shows that I have either watched or heard about from my fellow college friends. These shows have a minimum nine seasons with a healthy twenty-ish episodes per season. Great for binge watching on the weekends or just playing in the background while you do homework.

1. Grey's Anatomy.

This show takes place in Seattle, Washington and follows a group of fresh new surgical interns all the way through their attending years in a top ranked hospital. Not only keeping up with their interactions with patients but their closed door interactions with each other.

2. Private Practice.

This show is a spin-off of Grey's Anatomy. Following one of the doctors from the previous show as she moves to Los Angeles to join a group of doctors who practice collective medicine.

3. Once Upon a Time.

If you love fairy tales watch this show to gain a new twist. This show follows all the fairy tale characters from your childhood on an adventurous journey across magical realms to save magic and defeat the dark forces trying to destroy it.

4. Orange is The New Black.

This show follows the lives of prisoners. One of which doesn't deserve her sentence. But can she stay innocent while on the inside? Watch this show to find out.

5. One Tree Hill.

This show follows two half brothers competing on a high school basketball team, and all the while against each other for stardom and the attention of their friends.

6. The Originals.

Follow a group of werewolves, and vampires as they move to New Orleans to team up with witches to fight for power over the city that they built years before. But it's not so easy.

7. Dexter.

A serial killer who studies and kills other serial killers. What more is there to say about a man who uses forensics to solve crime and commit it in the same night?

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