CRINGE: "Christmas Inheritance" | The Odyssey Online
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The Definitive Ranking Of Netflix's Christmas Rom-Coms, From Bingeworthy To Cringeworthy

When you're snuggled up at 10 p.m. in Christmas PJs and a hot cup of cocoa, here are some movies that will make you feel merry and bright.

vanessa hudgens in the princess switch

Romantic comedy. A genre that never ceases to amaze me. Love can create so many stories. At Christmas time, these stories get a little bit cheesier and snowier, but that doesn't mean they're all bad. Here is how the Christmas love stories on Netflix break down.

BINGE: "A Christmas Prince"

This movie is one of the best things Netflix has ever done. It takes place in Aldovia, a fictional European country, and follows Amber Moore, a journalist from New York, as she discovers and reports on all of the wonders of this snowy, quaint kingdom. The Prince and soon to be King, Richard, and Amber bicker and argue, but with the help of Richard's sister, Princess Emily, the two start to grow closer and eventually fall in love. And they just made a sequel. So basically, we all want to move to Aldovia now.

BINGE: "The Holiday Calendar" 

I won't lie, the first time I watched it I cried. Probably because I'm a generally sappy person. But this story is so heartwarming. It's about friendship, love, finding your passion, and family. Plus, Abby Sutton is a forced to be reckoned with and I love her. You will, too. We stan.

CRINGE: "A Dogwalker's Christmas Tale"

I can't say that this movie doesn't have redeeming qualities... like dogs. I am a sucker for dogs. But the movie starts off with a girl seeking work because she can't afford a necklace after she maxes out her credit card... that her parents provide for her... and when she does find a job, so only starts to like it after like a million people convince her it isn't that bad. Not my favorite.

CRINGE: "The Spirit Of Christmas"

A story of a businesswoman attempting to help sell an old hotel in the middle of nowhere. The man working in the hotel warns her it is haunted. And guess what... it is. With an actor that looks like Henry Cavill as a hipster (not a bad thing, but like... odd for a ghost.) There were cute moments in the movie, but there was so much going on during the film that it wasn't really all that enjoyable.

BINGE: "Christmas Wedding Planner"

Is this movie going to win an Oscar? No. Is it going to make you want to get married at Christmas time and solve a few mysteries? Absolutely.

CRINGE: "Merry Kissmas"

So, picture this. You're engaged to a cheating, overdramatic, needy, and rather controlling choreographer. BUT, one morning, while visiting the town where his show is performing (the Nutcracker), you are running to escape a shop owner and somehow run into an apartment complex, into the elevator, grab the stranger standing next to you, and start making out. For no reason?? Love this plot. Phenomenal writing. They cast beautiful characters but other than that I can't see how this movie could get over a 1% on Rotten Tomatoes. (Its audience score is 21%... somehow?)

BINGE: "The Princess Switch"

Vanessa Hudgens playing Stacy DeNovo AND Lady Margaret. One is a fun baker from Chicago who is best friends with Kevin, her sou chef, and his daughter Olivia. The other is a duchess who is engaged to the prince of Belgravia, even though they aren't in love and it's more of a strategic arrangement. When DeNovo, Kevin, and Olivia travel to Belgravia for a baking competition, she happens to run into Lady Margaret. And then there is a whole "Parent Trap" situation and the two trade places for a bit. It's wild.

CRINGE: "Christmas With A View"

I don't know what is worse; the way the movie forces awkward chemistry between two of the main characters or the fact that the main characters best friend's name is Bonnie and she's dating a man named Clive. What? I really don't have words for this film.

CRINGE: "Christmas Inheritance"

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Eliza Taylor. She is amazing in "The 100." But this movie is a little too chaotic. Her love interest is like lowkey mean to her for the first third of the movie.

 BINGE: "Love Actually"


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