Netflix is bae. We all know it and we all love it. This is for the people that only have to type "n" into your internet address bar and Netflix immediately pops up. At Netflix rehab the first step is acceptance.
Why pay $7 a month when you have a family member, friend, or even a complete stranger's Netflix password?
You're on a mission to find a good show. Maybe it's one that someone suggested or maybe you just like the title sequence. Either way it's a life or death decision. It's going to be a hit or miss once you pick a show to watch. If you're not interested after the third episode, it's time to move on.
Finding a new series is almost impossible. The options are endless, but you have standards. You want to watch something that has multiple series, which is perfect for binging.
You are now invested in a show, but after you finish the first season you realize the same thing just continues to happen over and over again. Dexter kills the bad guys, Christina performs open heart surgery, Hannah gets kidnapped by A and Serena falls in love with another guy. But you're a loyal fan now and you can't just give up on watching it.
Your friends look forward to going to the bar, yet all you can think about while you're out is going home and watching Netflix—somewhat buzzed if you may. Then you wake up the next morning only to realize that you decided to watch Minions and that you don't remember a single thing about the movie.
Occasionally you will find someone special who is watching the same show as you. A beautiful bond is created. They understand the importance of Netflix.
You don't even bother to press "next episode" because that 15 seconds in between is your only pee break for the next 20-45 minutes.
When it comes to the end of an intense season or series, you wait to watch the last episode until you know you'll actually focus without getting distracted.
You know it's not the end, but Netflix hasn't released the current season so you scour the Internet to find some more episodes.
Okay. It's really over. You're so emotionally involved that you just cry. For the next 24 hours you think about the characters that became your friends and wonder what you're going to do without them.
Now go watch some more Netflix and don't let anyone judge you!