Being a college student, I take the shows I watch on streaming services very seriously, maybe even making a Facebook post to try and find my next obsession. Whether it is Netflix or Hulu or Youtube, a great place to nestle up and watch is your dorm room. But what happens when you travel? You get to the airport, have to connect to the worst wifi connection around, wait for everything to buffer and load, and by the time your show begins it is time to board the plane. I didn't think streaming services could get better, until they did.
Netflix, the king of binge watching, has just come out with every traveler's new favorite feature:
This new feature will forever change the world of in-flight movies forever. Anyone can download the shows or movies they have been watching to watch on the go, giving those on the go the chance to keep up with their favorite show. Whether it is all 12 seasons of "Grey's Anatomy" or the newest season of "Orange Is The New Black", it is all loaded up ready to go. Now when you are waiting for your next flight for the holidays, with a 3 hour layover, start up Netflix with no worries of crappy wifi. I think this is the addition to our favorite website we have all been waiting for. Thank you from all of us traveling college students over the holidays. Netflix, you done good.