Committing adultery with another human being is no longer a relationships biggest threat. It has come to the point where Netflix adultery is at risk.
First we start using selfie sticks, then hover-boards and now we are moving on to Netflix commitment rings. This is insane.
In a lot of relationships, Netflix and chilling is a weekly (if not daily) activity to do with one another. Once you begin watching a show together it is frowned upon to continue watching without your significant other with you. It is a full on commitment to begin one of these addicting shows together.
Commitment rings are wearable technology created by and ice cream brand in the U.K called Cornetto. Their tagline reads "love should last longer than one season." This is more than just a symbol of commitment. It only allows one another to watch these shows unless they are linked together at the same place and at the same time. When a couple is detected to be close to one another the shows they mark as their favorites become unblocked.
Some of the details do not really add up completely. It may not make sense now because it has not officially been released. However, the first people to receive these will be on a first-come, first-serve basis so you can sign up in advance online.
"Cornetto has always been about celebrating teen love in a fun, light-hearted way," Cornetto global brand director Barbara Cavicchia told Co.Create.
You have to commit to this person and these shows for at least 6 months. This is aimed to make sure kids learn to stay committed for at least this period of time. Is this generation so accustomed to change so often that they can not commit to a relationship let alone a Netflix show with their significant other for 6 months? Good thing Cornetto is here to teach us how to commit for once.