When I was little, Halloween used to be my favorite holiday. I had a major sweet tooth and my parents used to go overboard with the tacky spooky decorations. I loved dressing up. No, I was never a princess or a cowgirl or a witch- I was always that one kid in class dressed as Thing I, Luigi, or an Oompa Loompa. I liked face paint and goofiness, not little skirts and sparkles. That carries over to my near-adulthood now. I’m not satisfied with teeny-tiny itty-bitty costumes. The stereotypical “Frat Boy,” “Risky Business,” or “Angel,” costumes don’t cut it for me. I spend weeks trying to think of some clever, ironic costume, end up failing and deciding no one would have understood it anyway, and settling for one of the basic costumes I so ruthlessly make fun of. So, I always end up horribly dissatisfied on Halloween night, and I realize I am about to be more so than ever in college because there isn’t even any candy. How can I be asked to put on a costume that I’m freezing my butt off in, walk to a party, and pretend to have a good time when there are no Kit Kats or Twix bars at the end of the line? It seems like a horrible invitation to adulthood, one where there is no trick-or-treating or time for fake spider webs and blood splatters. If that’s growing up, I want no part of it. It actually seems more inviting to spend my evening in my dorm, with my own sad bowl of purchased candy, pajamas, and terrible scary movies. But that little kid inside of me still can’t wait to revel in my favorite fall holiday, regardless of how the night goes. I still, however, would like to start a petition where all college students agree to go trick-or-treating through dorms at school, in funny costumes rather than slutty, revealing ones. In the meantime, until that trend gets started, I can hold on to the vision of spending my Halloween nights as an adult. I look forward to decorating my own house for my kids, like my parents did for me, and going out with my family all dressed up. Trust me, decades from now, I will be the 80-year-old woman, wheelchair-bound, still putting on a costume and enjoying the spookiness of, arguably, the world’s most exciting holiday.
LifestyleOct 03, 2016
A Nerd's Take On Halloween
A personal commentary on one of my favorite holidays.