Dating nerds? Seems like for the modern age, nerds are finally getting the attention they deserve.
Being a fellow nerd, I have noticed this new fad of loving them. Congratulations! You have finally seen that we are awesome cuddles, video gamers, and action figure collectors.
Some of us can be very awkward, but apparently that comes across as cute? WELL I CAN HANDLE THAT!
So thank you to those who have recognized that intelligence is sexy. Holding a conversation and being dedicated to your studies, should be pretty cool. It shows that we care about what we want in our life. I have a niece that is fourteen, and she tells me that everything that was not popular, “in my time” is now trending and popular. Everybody wants to be a nerd now. And apparently I am an old millennial to a fourteen-year-old.
Not to get all deep on you like I usually do, but being a nerd, was being the outcast. The “weird,” one. We were different, we kept to ourselves because of that. Maybe we nerds, do not want to be the most popular, maybe we were better right where we were, thats what made us different, and unique. Just a thought bomb for you. Being a nerd, is being your full on self. Do not pretend to like Pokemon because it is the new fad in town. Just be you.
Anyway I digress, for all the people who love dating nerds, I and others can say we cannot wait to “nerd out” for you!