They spend most of their time gaming or reading, yet somehow have a more interesting life than I do. Growing up, my older brother knew everything about Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and superheroes. This was my introduction into the world of nerds. I have always gotten along well with people who are immersed in the nerd universe. Hanging out with nerds, you feel like you apart of their fandom family. Although I truly wish I could say that I too am a nerd, I do not yet deserve the honor of this title. Here are the top eight reasons why nerds are the best kind of people:
1. They are dedicated
A true nerd is dedicated to their fandom. This includes hours on Tumblr, Pinterest boards and blogs dedicated to their favorite characters, endless reading and re-watching episodes, and undying affection.
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2. Their enthusiasm
Nerds are probably the most enthusiastic group of people I have had the honor of being around. Often, nerds surpass the level of a preteen girl obsessed with one direction. If you mention an interest in one of their fandoms, their eyes light up like its Christmas morning!
3. They see connections other people don't
Nerds who are truly dedicated do not just settle for merely accepting that what you see is what you get, they have an uncanny obsession with digging deeper. From shipping to head canons truly devoted nerds can make connections that one cannot believe were not there originally.
4.Passionate nerd= awesome heated debates
Nerds are generally firmly attached to their fandom, or fandoms (see #1), and usually enjoy the chance to debate related topics. Some of the most fun, and heated, debates I have seen have revolved around in the vast nerd universe.
5. They have crazy imaginations
Nerds thrive in alternate worlds where things are strange and magical. As a result of this, they have active imaginations.
6. They are creative/crafty
One word: cosplay. Beautifully sculpted costumes that allow the wearer to be completely consumed by the character. Completely immersed in this other world and able to take on an alternate identity. They themselves are a work of art. This craftiness goes beyond simple enjoyment, it is a trade they have worked hard to master.
7. Fan art
The pure beauty that is displayed on Tumblr and other sites is on the same level as the Louvre, or at least some place close. Nerds have an exceptional appreciation for taking what is already beautiful in their fandom, and creating a masterpiece.
8. Most importantly they are un-apologetically themselves
Nerds aren’t nerds for anybody but themselves. They truly love what they’re about, even if nobody else cares. They do it not because it’s trendy or cool, they are nerds because they love it and themselves.