Many talk about a time of return to economic prosperity from the mid-century. Many call this current time of on-going recession a temporary glitch. Somehow, many believe that the current age now is exceptional, not normal. Let’s remember that we are living under the neoliberal agenda, which has been operating for about 30 years now. Both parties are invested in the neoliberal agenda, even though they might put on different facades. Both parties have the agenda of protecting private interests, and also protecting the state. The agencies in the government are always on its defensive, but ironically, are less regulated by it than they should be. The CIA commits acts of crime all the time, which is something many would expect the government not to allow. Alas, it does. The aim of this agenda is to stop and actually reverse gains made for working people through progressive legislation from the 1930s, a period of a strong labor movement, and the 1970s, a period of many international movements. The key industries are involved in the neoliberal agenda, like the major energy industries. This is harmful for the working class today, because these industries are invested in profit-making, and do not act for the betterment of society, they do not produce for social need.
To put this change in context, under Bill Clinton, the Democratic Party created the Democratic Leadership Council to create a neo-liberal doctrine for the party that is now enshrined. This is the main policy of both policies now, but began with the Democratic! For those who do not support neoliberalism but support the Democratic, this should be noted carefully. Clinton spread corporate endorsement around the country, as Hillary does. He was the president of big business of the 90’s.
Can we guess what this agenda includes if it is not for working people? Wage cuts, jobs cuts, outsourcing and increased automation. The government is and will keep cutting federal funding for social programs like Medicaid and Medicare, something that they have been doing more of since neoliberalism began, as neoliberalism gave corporations even more power. The big businesses are booming, and offshore accounts are sky-high in value. Even one off-shore account accounts for billions of peoples’ incomes. Profits are going through the roof, more than they ever have, though it might be harder to see. There are more protectionist policies for corporations than ever before. At the same time, military spending is being increased. Trump wants to mandate a 10 percent increase in military spending.
This is not ok, and cannot continue. Why not? Because humanity is at stake. With the global climate tipping point in the horizon and the mark of 400 parts-per-million in carbon in the air reached, the Earth is headed towards catastrophe in the near future with the current rate of carbon being emitted into the atmosphere. Believe it or not, it would actually save states and even many corporations money to produce in a green way and operate with a green economy. More green jobs can be produced than non-green jobs in the near future, and many can receive training to produce in a green way with their expertise, skills, and knowledge. We need to change how the world runs now. As I stated in other articles, the Committee for Workers’ International is committed to changing the world and ending capitalism, which has allowed for and produced all of this hard for the benefit of the very few. Let’s join together now and fight for humanity.