We're all a little (or a lot) negative at times. It's so easy to be. Venting can fuel the fire, and this seems to happen unfortunately more often than not. Let me share with you a few things about this attitude and why it's not worth your time.
1. Negativity won't get you anywhere and may actually repel others.
Do you like spending time listening to complaining and bashing of others? Assuming that's a "no," how do you think people like hearing it from you? Let me tell you, it's not fun for anyone. I've been called out for this before, and hearing it from others definitely solidifies that no one enjoys negativity. Negativity clouds the clarity of life, and I can tell you that consistent negativity does not draw me near to that person. It can feel like too much and makes us want to take a step back.
2. Being positive is so much more fulfilling.
Although being positive about something that upsets us feels nearly impossible at the time, it's actually not! This is a way of showing the Light and His Love to others. When someone is being negative around you, try ENCOURAGING them! It most likely will not be what they want to hear at the time. However, it may make them think about what they're saying and realize that this attitude is unfulfilling for both them and you, the listener. Positivity fuels itself, and you can be a part of that!
3. Our life on this earth is so short compared to eternity. Is it worth wasting life and energy complaining and speaking negatively, especially of others?
I'm going to go ahead and answer this question: "No." Yes, it may upset us that our five dollar coffee took five minutes longer than normal... However, in the grand scheme of things, will this matter? It won't. It takes the Spirit and self-discipline to learn to let the little things go. You and I both know that this is not easy to do. But, with practice, things can change. When something doesn't go our way, let the emotion (anger, frustration, annoyance) pass. If we don't dwell on these unpleasant emotions, they will pass MUCH faster than when we pinpoint them and speak them to others.
4. People notice positivity, and it is attractive.
Positivity stands out in a crowd. I'm sure you can think of three people in your mind who are very positive people. I know I can, and it's not hard. Do you like spending time with them? I know I do! Looking on the bright side and being encouraging are simply attractive qualities; it's what we enjoy.
This is not to say that we can be ALL positive ALL the time. We are human, not perfect. Still, He can fill you during quiet time with Him and give you the strength and power over negativity. Do not let this darkness prevail, and let His Light shine. Bring positivity wherever you go!