In my opinion, there is too much negativity that surrounds the activities of people in today's world. There is too much criticism, mean remarks, and bad attitudes that come with almost anything that we do. When a girl walks down the street, men and women alike are quick to point out her flaws.
"I'd like to see some more a** on her." "She needs to tighten up her core." I believe in always looking for ways to improve, but there is a positive and healthy way to do that. When a man walks down the street, men and women alike are quick to point out his flaws.
"I wish he had a better smile and a better jaw line." "He needs to bulk up; he's small." I feel as though one cannot make it through one day without hearing something negative about himself or herself. Negativity is winning every time and we keep letting it.
There is such a thing as constructive criticism which usually has a positive impact on a person. I just don't understand why people feel the need to create such a negative and unappealing atmosphere. I hope we can fix this in the near future.