As humans, there is a firm attachment to new ways of thinking, doing, and feeling. Of course, some individuals like the sense of consistency within their life, but there is always a need for something different in regards to relationships, materialistic possessions, and emotional desires. With that being said, both innovation and invention can be used to describe the inexperienced as both lead to strongholds of nuance.
Without innovation or invention, many of the beautiful and intellectual advancements seen throughout society (like the Apple iPhone, which has sold over a billion sets) would not be present. Although, on university campuses, many class structures do not teach innovation and invention as necessary skillsets.
The positive aspect is that the individuals who do know how to innovate, lead the flock and succeed. Although negatively speaking, without firm knowledge and awareness of innovativeness, the world is consistently limiting the amount of (possible) geniuses.
Specifically speaking, in literature regimes, many of the text choices and lessons are based on the 18th and 19th century. In both high school and college, most of the education relies heavily on the medieval times or Shakespeare. In most universities, the is only one contemporary class to analyze the recent texts, which are still are made in the 1990's.
Of course, both of these periods were significant and no doubt powerful for literary artists and individuals dissecting the text around the world (and still today), but what about now? Who is creating the great work of the 21st century? How are they doing it and why? Schools and individuals in general, don't speak up about it.
These questions, in their own way, are delicate topics, as most artists would describe their innovativeness as a secret for its originality. With that being said, maybe the public doesn’t need to know exactly the the detail is to each ones innovativeness, but the study of now and what’s next should be discussed much more. A heavy focus on the past influences will just society behind and not forward-thinking.