There are only two more weeks until history is made. We either elect the first woman president or the first truly super white president. And as an American citizen it is your duty, neigh your RIGHT to cast your vote in this upcoming election. I am so tired of hearing people say both candidates are horrible so I am not going to vote. Do you know how many countries do not even allow their own citizens to vote in a democratic election? Only last year did Saudi Arabia allow its women to vote for the first time.
I get it. This election is a hard one for people. You have one candidate that cannot name one living or dead world leader, one candidate who got away with a scandal because of the power they yield, and one candidate who always seems to be putting their foot further into their mouth every time they open it. However, this should not stop you from voting on November 8th (or November 28th, depending on who you listen too).
This election does not decide America’s future for the next four years, but for the next decade-even possibly the next century. I know that it is hard to think a hundred years into the future, I can barely think about what I am going to do the tomorrow. You think America is no longer great, then go cast your vote for the candidate you think will make America great again. You think America needs to stay stronger together, vote for Her. If you truly believe a third-party candidate will be the change you have been craving for, then vote for him/her. America is not perfect, and if you did not know that before then I’m sure this election has only further proved that theory.
Be the change you want to see. If you do not vote, then you cannot complain about the outcome of the election. At least if you vote you can say you made a difference if your candidate won, or even if your candidate loses you know that at least your voice was heard on some level. And you can always exercise your right to protest or make a difference in the next election. Remember it’s not just a presidential election, many of your congressman and women, senators, and judges are up for re-election. So even if your voice is not heard in the White House, it can be heard by the state-level, Senate, or Congress (who honestly have more power than you realize).
As an American citizen, you have been given a right that only others could dream of. Besides eating burgers and watching football, voting is the most American thing you can do. Your voice is begging to be heard, if only you allow it. You cannot be pessimistic about this election and think your vote does not count. There is a reason our founding fathers decided to leave a monarchial society and founded a democratic one. They wanted the people to be making the decisions instead of one power head having all the say. We forgot the impact we have made in our own society because we have become too wrapped up in believing only the select powerful have a say in how our government is run. For over two centuries WE THE PEOPLE have had the power to elect leaders that will speak for us and make a difference- for better or for worse.
On November 8th, I will, for the first time, be casting my vote in a Presidential election. To quote the hit Broadway show Hamilton: An American Musical, “I am not going to waste my shot,” and neither should you. VOTE!!!