I'm not the type of person who can just sit back, and chill. For me, things are always on a need-to-know basis. I find comfort in knowing what's going to happen, when, why and how. But my finding comfort in needing to know everything is damaging. Life is unpredictable, and there's no way to fully plan everything out, or prepare yourself for every possibility. Which is why I'm here to tell you if you're anything like me you need to learn how to go with the flow. I get it, believe me, I do. When you don't know things you feel left out or worse: you feel like you have no control. I'll be the first to point out that I like having control of situations. I like knowing that my actions will lead to something I have prepared for. But when you spend all of your time trying to control every situation and getting upset when things don't go your way you miss out on all of the good. A lot of us try to fight the current instead of going with it, which ends up causing more damage.
I never saw my needing to know everything as an issue. I'm not really sure how I got this way, or what made me this way. To be honest, it could be because I hate feeling left out, and not being included. As I've gotten older, however, I've realized that with certain things, it's probably best that I don't know everything. Frankly, I don't need the stress. Or the responsibility of being held accountable for too much knowledge of something. It's a lot healthier when you only focus on the things you need to focus on and let everything else fall into place. But, things are easier said than done.
It's a work in progress. A daily attitude check. But if you're willing to let go, and let things flow who knows what good things can come your way. I definitely still have a lot of work to do in allowing myself to just let things be. It's not an easy transition; going from polar opposite ways of life. But, the people I know who don't worry as much as I do live much fuller and healthier lives. They know they can't control everything, and they're cool with it. So why can't I be? With certain things in my life, I'm perfectly willing to say, "It is what it is." But with other things, I cringe at the thought. I'm not gonna lie it's a daily struggle for me to be okay with letting things happen the way that they do, but one that I'm trying to work on. If you're a need-to-know kind of person I'm telling you that you don't. You don't need to know everything, and you certainly don't need to control everything. It's exhausting, and things will play out the way the universe intended them to. So ultimately, are you willing to go with the flow?