The biggest misconception of transgender individuals is that in order to be transgender, one must start hormone replace therapy. This is not true. Thus, transitioning is expensive with or without hormone replacement therapy. How one transitions opposed to another will vary. Not everyone transitions or wants to transition in the way that this article entails. In regard to my own transitioning process, here are five reasons transitioning becomes expensive.
1. KT Tape
I choose to bind. I originally started binding by using a binder from gc2b apparel that was so generously a gift from a friend. Although I loved this form of binding in the beginning, it soon began to give me major back aches and I felt as though it was still a bra. Too, as I started to build muscle, my binder fit way too tight. Thus, I tried using tape. I love using tape, however, rolls of tape tend to get expensive. I use the KT Pro tape which is on average $16-$20 a roll. A roll usually lasts me a month, but there are also cons to taping. I cannot tape the entire 30-31 days of the month because it causes major irritation if worn too long. Too, the tape peels off in the shower (the original KT tape more so than the KT Pro tape). Also, when taking the tape off, there sometimes can be tears of the skin which hurts. This is caused by the tape being on too long or just by being impatient and ripping it off like a band aid (not recommended).
2. Beard SerumÂ
Recently (within the past month) have noticed a large amount of peach fuzz on my face, thus I wanted to speed up the growth process. After several Google searches I decided to try beard serum from the Beard Guyz. It is too early to tell if there has been any further growth, but what I can state it has caused more acne on my face as I am applying it twice (now once a day). I bought this from Bed Bath & Beyond for $12 and if I had not have dropped it while it was open, I would think it would last between 2-3 months, but now I am just hoping it lasts a month and a half.
Too, I recently decided to try packing. Packers come in all sizes, styles, and colors for the enjoyment. The packer I have recently bought is from and it was $32 which is on the cheaper side by far. However, with a packer comes packing boxers which I have yet to purchase, thus I have not used my packer much. The packing boxers I am looking at are rather expensive, but worth the cost. They are from RodeoH and are $30 a piece. I don't know about yall, but I need at least five to seven pairs as laundry day is once a week (if that). Thus, these are on the "want list" for now.
4. Hunger
As I have been on testosterone for a little over four months now, my appetite has increased. This was to be expected, however, the grocery bill adds up. Not only that, but the foods I prefer to eat are on the healthy side which are costlier. So three course meal, where? More like five course meal.
5. Clothing
Since I have gained weight as well as muscle on testosterone, my clothes do not fit as I had preferred. Although the occasional tight t-shirt on my arm does make me feel more masculine, I miss my baggy shirts. Thus, I have had to change sizes which called for a shopping trip or two.
While this list does not include the doctor appointments, therapy appointments, legal paperwork, and testosterone itself, transitioning has truly changed my outlook on how I reconsider spending $3.59 on an energy drink opposed to going to bed sooner. Thus, transitioning is in no way cost friendly, however, I am more than willing to pay to feel and look how I feel most comfortable.
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- What Do I Need to Know About the Transitioning Process? ›
- Resources for Trans Men - FTM Transition & Support ›
- FTM Guide - How to change your gender from female to male! ›
- Transitioning 101: FtM - Pride Pocket ›
- 6 Awful Lessons I Learned Transitioning from Female to Male ... ›
- Testosterone for FTM Transition - FTM Guide ›