Constantly, I hear about how millennials and generation z have ruined society. I hear it from people I know, and I read it on my Facebook feed.
It bothers me because we are being falsely represented. Personally, I feel as though such accusations are hurtful and vain.
First of all, I know we aren't perfect. We do look at our phones a lot, and we do have issues with communication. However, every generation has its faults. In the end, we have all failed in some way because we're human. Perfection isn't within reach.
Even though we have problems, I don't think it's necessary or helpful to shame us. If you want to make a change, stop pointing your fingers at everyone else and start making a difference. Each and every person has an opportunity to get up and make the world a better place.
If we're sitting at our computers at night and typing lengthy, dragged-out posts about how others aren't "doing it right" we are hypocrites with no agenda.
There is absolutely no use in throwing shade at the younger generation. It will only start an argument and make people mad.
I don't mean to sound like a camp counselor singing Kumbaya, but we need to try to understand one another before making accusations. We have grown up in completely different times. Our families raised us differently.
Just like everyone else, we're learning. We're using what we know to make a way in this country. We're doing our best, and we're perfectly capable of great things.
God has given this generation of people just as much authority, gifting and strength as the ones before it. We have the ability to stand up and be difference-makers.
I realize we aren't without fault. We've made mistakes. That doesn't mean we are incapable or irresponsible. We are a talented group of people. We are writers, business owners, firefighters, preachers, caregivers, teachers, artists, and so much more.
I feel like our qualities are overlooked, and we are immediately stereotyped as "lazy." We aren't all like that, and I don't think we deserve that title.
Instead of throwing stones at each other, we need to speak civilly and understand one another. We should be working together instead of dividing one against the other. If we are uplifting instead of bringing each other down, we will stand taller as one.