At some point in time we've all heard that phrase, "You can do so much better." Whether it be in school, our careers, or relationships we are constantly settling for less than we deserve. I'm not exactly sure why we do this, but one thing I do know is it is completely unnecessary. I have always been the person to accept what has been handed to me, I accepted what I thought I couldn't change, even though I was the only one with the power to do so. I know there are people out there stuck in a routine, knowing that they're not happy, but I'm here to tell you to get out of this rut and trust that the best is yet to come.
We feel selfish when asking for more. We feel as if we should be content with the position that we're in. I consistently had this thought, but I have learned in recent months that this is the worst way to view things. We need to have the confidence to ask for better, to search for better. We need to let go of the notion that we aren't worthy of the absolute best. I know this may seem hard, impossible even, but once we accept this we are in store for happiness we never dreamed possible.
I have found a new belief in myself since I've stopped feeling guilty about deserving the best. I am more confident than I have ever been. I know what I want and most importantly what I need. I don't rely on a single person or situation to determine how I feel about myself, and I am in charge of my thoughts and emotions. If you stop settling I can promise you that your eyes will open up to a whole new world. You will smile more, laugh more, and love yourself in a way you never thought you could. More importantly, you will learn to appreciate everything that you do deserve. You will appreciate the life you've been given and the people put in it.
You may not think that you deserve the best, I honestly didn't for the longest time, but each and every one of us does. We deserve to be thrilled about the world we live in and the life we lead. If you don't get that feeling of excitement with something or someone I challenge you to ask yourself am I absolutely and completely happy? If the answer is no, change it, and find something that does. You won't regret it, believe me.
We all deserve so much, it's just a matter of what we are willing to ask for. Don't feel selfish for wanting the best for yourself, feel confident in what you know you deserve and never let anyone convince you otherwise.