I wait for something to come to me
But I am always left with nothing
There is nothing more I want than to be able to write as I once did
To express myself in ways that were
t h e r a p e u t I c
c h a l l e n g i n g
s a t i s f y i n g
There is nothing more I want than to have my voice
[To speak my mind
To stand up for the things I once did
To provide an outlet]
An escape
Just something.
Just ANYTHING to get these troubling, dark thoughts
Out of my [h e a d]
And onto that paper to relieve the stress
the pain
the suffering
That no one sees
I just need that spark, that will, that drive
Can you relate?
Can you honestly look me in the eye and say that you understand?
I wish you could
I wish you could feel the things I do and experience every small thought that I think
Wouldn’t that make life easier?
No, it would make it worse.