They say "patience is a virtue," but it seems to be something we all struggle with on occasion.
The TV remote isn't working. A baby is crying on my flight. The worker at McDonald's messed up my order.
How you react to trying moments says a lot about your character.
Some of us need to work on our patience more than others. I like to think that patience is a personal strength of mine, but I know it falls short often when it comes to material things.
I have patience with people. I'm a good listener and I give people second and often further chances.
I have patience especially with kids because they don't know better and their goal is to grow and learn.
But when the TV doesn't work or I can't find something I lost, I feel my frustration rising unnecessarily and I have to catch myself.
I also struggle with maintaining the level of patience I hold for others with myself.
We are our harshest critics, which is understandable, but we sometimes beat ourselves up too much and dwell on our shortcomings for too long.
Patience is not a trait "some people" should have.
Everyone can benefit from working on their patience.
Because without it, we cannot be good friends.
Without it, we cannot be good coworkers.
Without it, we cannot be the best versions of ourselves possible.
So, how does one go about becoming more patient?
Personally, I try to catch myself in trying moments and examine my thoughts. Self-observation is the key to personal growth.
Why am I frustrated? Often times the answer to that question is so petty in and of itself that we can stop the anger from boiling over once we realize we aren't upset for solid reasons.
Who or what am I frustrated with?
If it's another person, why are they being like this?
Often it's not intentional or it may be due to extenuating circumstances that make it all make sense.
If it's an inanimate object, let go of what you cannot control and ask yourself again if why you are frustrated is valid.
More importantly, I try to remember that patience keeps my head screwed on straight.
Without it, I am unnecessarily upset with the world, which will not make progress, nor will it increase my quality of life.
But a bit of patience will. A bit of understanding leaves you more carefree and a bit less anxious.
It's something I'm still working on, and something everyone could strive to improve. We could all use a bit more patience, after all, it is truly a virtue.