As humans, we have all grown up and had people say nasty things about us behind our back. We have all also said things about other people behind their back. It is just how we handle situations it seems. But, what if while growing up you didn’t have to hear a girl called you a slut in the bathroom during 2nd hour passing period? What if you didn’t hear that someone you thought was your friend tell someone else you suck at basketball, or you’re a prick, or they share something you told them in privacy? Growing up is hard enough without all of us being pinned against each other.
You can’t try to love other people without loving yourself. I have a friend from high school, Andrea, that started a movement called purely psithurism. It means the sound of the wind through the trees. She uses it to encourage you to close your eyes and feel the presence of your soul within your heart. To recognize your vulnerability, and recognize your heart and the way you feel. I want to encourage you to do this. To find that vulnerability and take control of it, and help yourself love it. To embrace the skin you live in, and then pass that love to the people around you.
If you see others as imperfect people just like you, then you can love their imperfections the same as you love yours. You will stop this paradigm you have put yourself in, and help change society bit by bit. Encourage your friends and family by being that person for them. Love them right where they are and don’t pass judgement. Encourage their imperfections, be a supporter in their life. You will grow your self love just by loving others.
In Andrea’s blog about self-love she says everything can be okay with the right light, soil, and water. So, let yourself grow, let your light shine, and let yourself be nourished. I encourage you to read and explore her movement, because it is a powerful tool to helping you find the strength every day to push through. The purest love and thoughts will flow out of you. You will blossom into a beautiful version of yourself that wants to be your biggest fan.
So change the way society is. It can all start with one person like Andrea pushing for a change. It can start with you starting the journey to self-acceptance and self-love. Find your psithurism and recognize the soul and vulnerability inside you. With a little encouragement and dedication, you can heal your own heart, and indirectly therefore help heal the hearts of others. You are a human, everyone around you is a human. We all make mistakes, we all have flaws, and we all struggle with pushing through difficult times. Help each other, grow together, and encourage each other to just be the humans you are. We will never be able to be anything else, and the best version of yourself will always be you.