My biggest complaint of the Green Party is that it prematurely abandons its own platform of grassroots organization for the national stage. I believe the Green Party will only succeed if it sticks to its own plan to focus funding and political organization around a local level, seeding itself across the country before it sprouts up for the highest office.
Grassroots is a term used to describe political organization on a small level to influence policy locally, eventually leading to state, national and international influence. It's a gradual way to implement ideas giving time for public opinion to adapt to the changes helping ensure it's viability.
Marijuana is a (pun-tastic) example of grassroots organization. Cities began decriminalizing marijuana when organizations lead by the public were appealing its medicinal benefits. Our first medical marijuana states were born soon after and once the benefits were proven, other states began adopting medical marijuana laws. Eventually, states began legalizing recreational use and after the profits and benefits were observed others followed suit. Now, we have 28 states (and DC!) with legal medical or recreational marijuana and there have been talks of changing the federal law. Positive public opinion of marijuana has grown considerably alongside the decriminalization of it, strengthening its permanence.
The Civil Rights Movement is another famous example of grassroots organization (please visit this site for further reading). Oppressed communities have been forced to take up grassroots movements because of a severe lack of legal justice and representation in government. It has long been time for self-proclaimed allies to join in rather than cheer from the sidelines, but the motivation of recent events can be capitalized on to push equality and freedom forward. It is time for all allies to take action and be lead by those who have been navigating this for a lifetime, because their lives depend on it. If you are white, cis, hetero, male or otherwise privileged and looking to participate: look locally and be sure to follow the ideas and directions of those you are helping- as they know better than anyone what is needed.
Grassroots takes time but it works. We have many issues that need to be addressed, especially in the wake of the election. While most of these are gravely important and do not have the luxury of time, our options are waning and grassroots is a strategy that can coincide with others as we figure out how to save ourselves.
The timing is perfect; the internet provides us with more connection to each other than ever in our history. It is very easy to seek out or create online groups to band together with like-minded people to organize change. Our political climate is large and overwhelming making local organizations seem like a laughable feat, not to sound cliché, but that's what they want you to think. If there is even a small chance for real, radical and permanent change, it is worth fighting for.
This is the time to band together with our friends and communities, to develop networks, to get involved on a small scale — even when our nation feels like it is on fire. We should organize, communicate, and listen. If these movements continue to multiply, find strength and build momentum then we might figure out how to climb out of this hole we buried ourselves in. Grassroots organizations will be fiercely fought and will be against insurmountable odds but that is a measure of strength, as time is not wasted in fighting things that are no threat to power.