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Health and Wellness

10 Necessities For Self-Care: Winter

Self-care waits for no man! Are you taking care of yourself this winter?

10 Necessities For Self-Care: Winter

Winter: a time for warm drinks, comfort food, and staying in. During our wintertime "hibernation," it's important not to sleep on our own needs. Winter is a crucial time for self-care because of the toll that the cold weather takes on our bodies and the higher risk of getting sick. Keep reading for some simple ways to be your best self this winter!

1. Water! Water! Water!

This may seem obvious, but it is always important to stay hydrated! Drinking enough water throughout the day flushes your body of toxins, prevents acne, promotes weight-loss, helps improve energy, and keeps your hair/skin/lips hydrated and smooth. Pro tip: carry a reusable water bottle with you for convenience and as a green alternative to disposable water bottles.

2. Take your makeup off EVERY night.

We've all been there; you've had a long night of partying (or studying!) and all you want to do is pass out on your cozy bed. Hold on, girl! Take the extra five minutes to wipe off your makeup from the day. Your skin and future you will thank you! Leaving your makeup on overnight allows the makeup to sit on your skin to clog your pores, leading to pesky acne the next day, as well as drying out (and aging) your skin. Not to mention, it leaves a mess on your pillow!

3. Give your hair a break!

Winter gives you the perfect opportunity to achieve healthier hair. Cold weather is the perfect excuse to wear cozy winter hats, meaning heat styling and washing your hair every day is completely unnecessary. You rock that second or third day hair, girl. Even if you have oily roots, your hat is the best disguise. Not washing your hair daily will allow your hair to replace its natural oils and moisturize itself. Don't be afraid to try some hair masks when you do wash your hair! Your hair will be healthy as ever by the spring!

4. Moisturize!

With wintertime comes dry, chapped skin... sometimes. Investing in a thicker moisturizer than you would use in the summer (even for nightly use) will keep your face and neck soft through the wind chill. Using lotion on your body and hands especially will prevent seasonal eczema and cracked skin. Don't forget about a good lip balm to combat chapped lips (I highly recommend Vaseline Lip Therapy).

To find the right moisturizer, try going to Ulta or Sephora and asking a skincare expert about the best type of moisturizer for your skin type. I use Dermalogica's Skin Smoothing Cream nightly for my oily and sensitive skin.

If you're not looking to spend too much on a moisturizer, there are many drugstore brands to choose from; I like to use the Cetaphil daily moisturizer because it is gentle and safe for most skin types, including sensitive skin, with SPF (SPF is crucial, even in winter months!).

For body lotion, something unscented is best, especially on cracked skin, as fragrance can sting. Most drugstores carry gentle body lotion options, such as Aveeno, CeraVe, Lubriderm, Nivea, and much more.

5. Catch some zzzzzz's....

Another obvious one, but incredibly important! Our bodies need sleep to function, but most of us rarely get enough of it. Getting enough sleep will improve your mood, prevent weight gain, optimize brain function, and make those chilly walks to morning classes a LITTLE more bearable.

6. Stay warm!

Invest in some heavy-duty winter gear for your snowy trek to classes, such as fleece-lined leggings, fuzzy pullovers, beanies, wool socks, thermal undershirts, and a big jacket. If you study in a cold climate, these are essential! Who has time to get sick? Not you!

7. Put the bottle DOWN!

Drinking (if you're of legal age, of course) may seem like an enticing option to combat the cold, but don't give in! Drinking only tricks the body into thinking it is warmer, allowing you to be more cold without realizing it which can make you sick. Bundling up, staying hydrated, and exercising regularly are all better ways to increase circulation and stay warm!

8. Give yourself a self-care night (or many!)

What better to do on a cold night than to wrap up with a face mask and Netflix? Make yourself some hot chocolate or tea, grab some snacks, put on a face mask, cozy up with some fuzzy blankets, and relax. You deserve it!

9. Get moving!

Just because the weather is frightful doesn't mean the gym isn't delightful! Spring break and summer come up fast, and if you're anything like me, there are some Christmas cookies that need to be worked off! Whether for weight loss or maintaining good health, it's always a good idea to get your blood pumping at the gym and boost your metabolism.

10. Bodies are machines. Make sure you're giving yours the right fuel!

Winter has a funny way of making us crave the worst foods. Resist the temptation to stock up on greasy, fattening foods and try to pick healthier alternatives. Proper nutrition is essential for optimal body function and overall health. Enjoy the tempting foods in moderation and nourish your body with the right foods!

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