You have officially reached boredom. Yes, thats right. You finished the four seasons of Scandal that are on Netflix a week before you go back to school. You have taken about 12 baths with bath bombs, which you bought with your Christmas money. So long to saving. You baked about everything on your Pinterest and ate all of it. You have sifted through Netflix for any good movies as well as the food network channel. Lets be honest, you can only watch so much Rachel Ray.
So, what now. You have caught up on your sleep, even through you did not think it was going to be humanly possible after that semester but you did it. You have already caught up with your high school friends and visited all your old hangout spots. So what do you do?
I got you.
1. What was that New Years resolution again?
The one you made like three days ago, yes that one. Give it another shot. Try again. See if you can last two more days than last time.
2. Get yourself organized.
Classes start very very soon. You will get hit with projects and syllabuses as soon as you step foot on your campus. So look through your schedule. Get fresh school supplies. Break out that label maker. This is probably the only free time you will have from now until May, use it.
3. Get caught up on your sleep for next semester.
Is that possible? I am going to be honest with you, I don't know, but it is worth a shot.
4. Find a hobby.
Teach yourself how to crochet. Make everyone you know ear warmers. If you have extra time, learn how to make more than ear warmers.
5. Expand your Pinterest boards.
So you already have 500 things on each one, that is okay. Add more. Make new boards. This could easily take up a day.
6. Take another bath.
You can never get enough bath bomb baths.
7. Order your books.
You need those in approximately one week.
8. Set goals.
You want to get better grades this semester? Volunteer? Skip less classes? Think about what you want out of this semester and write it down. Somewhere you will remember and see often and reach that goal.
So tomorrow when you think you have actually nothing to do, remember this list. You only have so much break, use it!